Halloween seems to be such a big deal here I couldn't let the occasion go by with out including my little devil. He actually has two costumes for this big occasion. I bought this one first. I thought the alligator shape would benefit the Bubs lengthy figure. Sadly Bubba is too big for the XL. Then I came across his number one costume at Target a few weeks ago and couldn't help myself. I had to buy it. It is perfect! He will model that one tomorrow.
That really isn't a snarl.
I think it looks more like the alligator is trying to swallowing his big melon head.
I picture the bubble over his head just asking "WHY ME?"
He has an itch he is trying to scratch.
"Has it been enough time, yet?"
"The things I have to endure."
"I am ignoring you until you take it off"
I am recycling the costume as an alligator rug for TC.
In Bardstown they tell you what times kids can be out collecting candy. I think that is a great idea! No stragglers knocking on your door at 9:00 at night. They can only be out from 5:00pm to 8:00pm. They also have activities planned on the court house lawn for kids to participate it. Hay rides, games, tours of the firehouse, more candy! Maybe Bubba and I will walk over to check it tomorrow in his other costume.