Monday, October 31, 2011

Halloween Costume #2.

I couldn't help myself when I saw this for Bubba's Halloween costume.  It was just too perfect.  I added a little something extra and now you have Bardstown, Bubba and Bourbon all together.

Here he at least starts somewhat upright!

I tried to get him to just sit so I could take his picture.  But it seemed like he had been partaking a little too much of his medicinal cargo!

Happy Dog!

"Uh...I'm not feeling so hot."

Perfect little chin rest for him actually!!

"Back off sister and get your own!"

Sunday, October 30, 2011

Halloween Costume #1.

Halloween seems to be such a big deal here I couldn't let the occasion go by with out including my little devil.  He actually has two costumes for this big occasion.  I bought this one first.  I thought the alligator shape would benefit the Bubs lengthy figure.  Sadly Bubba is too big for the XL.  Then I came across his number one costume at Target a few weeks ago and couldn't help myself.  I had to buy it.  It is perfect!  He will model that one tomorrow.

That really isn't a snarl.
I think it looks more like the alligator is trying to swallowing his big melon head.
I picture the bubble over his head just asking "WHY ME?" 

He has an itch he is trying to scratch.
"Has it been enough time, yet?"
"The things I have to endure." 
"I am ignoring you until you take it off"
I am recycling the costume as an alligator rug for TC.

In Bardstown they tell you what times kids can be out collecting candy.  I think that is a great idea! No stragglers knocking on your door at 9:00 at night.  They can only be out from 5:00pm to 8:00pm. They also have activities planned on the court house lawn for kids to participate it. Hay rides, games, tours of the firehouse, more candy! Maybe Bubba and I will walk over to check it tomorrow in his other costume.

Saturday, October 29, 2011

Beautiful Day

It was a really beautiful day here in Bardstown despite the heavy frost on the car this morning and waking up with a sinus headache.  I can't believe that there are places already getting snow. I was up early thanks to Bubba and TC.  They did actually let me sleep in until 7:00!  At 9:30 Bubba and I...well more Bubba had an appointment at a local vet.  His...ah...rear end issue had flared up! I couldn't wait until the next visit back to Canada to get that looked at.  Turned out to be a good thing because he was in bad shape back there. Met a nice older couple in the waiting room.  We got to talking after they commented on how handsome Bubba was. He really gets that a lot. Turns out they have 3 dogs and 3 cats.  Two of those dogs being Rottweiler's! 

After the vet we headed back to the apartment with the car windows rolled down.  A small treat for Bubba for being such a good boy and cleaning and laundry for me.  It was such a beautiful day that we couldn't stay inside for long.  So we finally headed to The Bernheim Forest.  I knew it would be beautiful with all the fall colours. I took lots of pictures to share with you.
Took this one with my IPhone!...

...and this one...

...and this one.  Then I noticed I was using up a lot of power and started using my camera.

Bubba feeling more spry after the vet visit....and less aromatic I might add.

I thought you would the appreciate interesting fun facts.

Bubba finds something of interest.  I hope he doesn't eat whatever it is.

Camera Shy.

He is just amusing me at this point.

I know some Nevin's!

This is how big the forest actually is.  We only walked and saw a small part of it!

A little friend we found.

The Doctor the Forest was named in honour of. Very interesting.

It was a great day to be out there for a walk. The whole loop around the lake took us about 45 minutes....I am sure it could have been faster if I wasn't with Stubby legs.  After that we hit Wendy's for a salad to bring home for dinner, had a nap hoping the headache would go away and did more laundry.  Around 8:30 I finally stopped procrastinating about the gym and headed out. Much to Bubba's delight. Luckily no neighbours were home to hear the howling. On my way out the front door I ran into a huge group of Ghost Trekkers (or Trackers) on their tour of Bardstown. It took a while for the whole group to pass.  I ran into the husband of Patti Starr, the tour guide.  He informed me that the vine growing on the apartment was actually 100 years old.  He said that it is documented some where, but he couldn't remember where he read it.  Just a fun filled day of interesting facts!!  I haven't decided what Sunday will bring. I even thought some Christmas shopping might be a good idea.....or Zappo's....I haven't been there at all this month!!

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

My New Friend!

Today we got our new phones for work!  It is only the 3G, but still pretty cool.  Looks like I will only get to use until December.  There seems to be an new expiration date on my stay here and I gotta say I am bummed about it.  Not the work so much...even though I am not even close to being done what I started....but living in Bardstown.  It might be smaller than Chatham, but I find there is so much more offered here.  I also get more visitors here!!

Well at least I have the new phone to play with until then....I wonder if they will notice if I took it back to Canada as a small parting gift.

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Target Rich Enviroment

Today on my walk with Bubba I was asked out by a man who works at the radio station across the street, has grayish hair and beard and rides a Moped.

Last week on my walk with Bubba I was asked out by a man who wore a "do- rag" (sp?), probably not employed, had grayish teeth and pulled up on his Harley.

Yup...that is my life in a nut shell.  Someone pass me the hummus.

Monday, October 24, 2011

Jim and Nancy Come to Kentucky! Part One.

   So I just had a great weekend!  Jim and Nancy stopped in Kentucky for the weekend on their way to visit friends in Florida.  They drove down Friday and stayed in Georgetown, which is just outside of Lexington.  I met them for dinner Friday night then came back to entertain Nancy Saturday, while Jim played golf.

   Stocked with a bottle of bourbon for Jim and a bottle of wine for Nancy, I left straight from work to meet them at their hotel.  I figured they might like a nice cocktail after all the driving.  What I didn't realize... and what I found out once I got to the hotel... was that Georgetown is a dry county.  You know, you hear about these things but you never actually think they are going to be true.  Especially in these bourbon soaked hills!!  It also explained while Jim asked me to stop for beer on my way to the hotel!

After cocktails and catching up, we headed out to dinner.  Friday turned out to be Jim's birthday, so we had something to celebrate.  Jim picked the restaurant after a little research on the Internet.  I don't think any of us were prepared for what we ended up with.  We thought we were headed to the "Best BBQ in Lexington" our honest opinion that might be a little stretch on the truth.
Billy's Bar-B-Q
How can you not imagine this being the best BBQ joint in town!


To say eating at Billy's Bar-b-q is "an experience" is an understatement.  Walking in I was thinking we just discovered one of those "diamonds in the rough"....... "hole in the wall" might be a better description.  But maybe we didn't chose the right menu items?  I forgot my camera to take pictures of this adventure, but luckily Nancy had hers to document our feast.  I will post them later.  The pictures I am showing, I stole from their website.
Can you feel the ambiance?

The menu had pork, chicken, beef and mutton. It was either pulled or in rib form. In sandwich form or on it's own. There was catfish and bratwurst, deep fried pickles and something called beer cheese. The menu really did have a lot for you to chose from.  Jim feeling brave asked for a small taste of mutton since he had never had it before.  Parson our most delightful server....(in a paroled convict kind of way)...obliged Jim's request. I even had a taste of it.....just to say I had tried it once. It tasted like chicken...muwhahahaha...ha. Actually it tasted a lot like my pulled pork sandwich.  That is what Nancy and I ordered. You would think if they are advertising themselves as the best in town, that they would serve their bbq on something other than a tired old hamburger bun.  My pulled pork sandwich at Buffalo Trace was much better.  Jim ordered Bratwurst and I almost wish I had that when I saw it.  He didn't give it rave reviews either and I think it came back to fight with him later on!  They did however dig into their first basket of deep fried dill pickles! That one got a thumbs up at least.  After we finished or meals, we passed on dessert, peeled our shoes off the carpet and beat it the hell out of there!

Monday, October 17, 2011

The Last Two Weeks.

Sorry, it has been a while since my last post.  I know how some of you just live for my next blog....har har har.. It has been a crazy couple of weeks.  I thought I would try something different and create a picture story for you. 

I think I was really able to capture the emotion of all involved.