Wednesday, November 23, 2011


Tomorrow is Thanksgiving Day here in the States! I am so happy to have the next two days off. I almost don't know what to do with myself! HA....that is a lie!  I am going to brave Black Friday for the first time EVER!!!  Stores are opening up as early as 10:00pm Thanksgiving night! The options  for where to shop are endless, but my big goal is to score a Dyson Pet Vacuum. They are $170.00 off! So right now I am in the planning stage. What is the best store to buy it from? Location in relation to other stores I might want to hit? Will Louisville be better than E-town for crowds? Or vice versa? How early do I want to start?  Decisions! I haven't even taken in the consideration what kind of Black Friday sales Zappo's might have. I won't even get the email for their sales until tomorrow night.  So that might change everything.  I am hoping I get to witness a fight or something.  As long as someone doesn't try to pick one with me.  I might get trampled when I drop and turtle in the face of confrontation.


  1. Well, good luck, cousin! Make sure to wear your steel-toed boots. Chris wants to know if the Dyson has a slobber attachment....just sayin'. And he wants to know how you're going to teach your pets to use the vacuum....
    ps. pls don't go to the store with the guns and hams
    xo Erin

  2. fight! fight! fight!

    let us know who you take down :-)
