Monday, January 23, 2012

Back in Bardstown!

Well... Bubba and I left Chatham this morning in the dark and rainy weather and we now find ourselves in the sun, no jacket required, Kentucky.  I won't lie....I miss it.  I missed my apartment despite the stair climb.  It would be safe to say that Bubba feels the opposite!! He is lying next to me right now, but I drugged him to take the edge off.  He was panting and staring at the door like someone was going to come in.  I wonder if he can see ghosts or something....

I left TC hiding from me in the basement.  I gave him the last of his medication this morning and he was not happy with me.  He wouldn't even come out to say goodbye.  I had to find him to make sure he was ok before I left.  I hope is issue going to the bathroom isn't too serious.  The vet said he was in really good shape despite the inflamed bowel....

So now I sit enjoying a Budlight, watching pet videos on The Ellen Show and wondering what will be for dinner. I feel like there is more I want to tell you, but I can't remember right now.  If I remember I will get back to you.

1 comment:

  1. that does sound awfully good. the sun & no jacket part, i mean ;-)
