Sunday, April 3, 2011

75 and Sunny.

I don't mean to rub that wait, I really do. Bwahahahahahahahaha....ha! It was another beautiful day here in Kentucky.  A little windy. but nothing a spring jacket couldn't handle.  Since it was such a nice day it would have been criminal not to get outside and enjoy it.  So I packed up Stubby Legs and headed out to Danville.  They have the closest dog park in the area.  A mere 56 minutes away.  I thought the wee fellow could use some socializing time and maybe, just maybe there might be a nice, available, tall fella I could socialize with.  We were both crap out of luck.  Just two bitchy mutts with their chubby, crusty old man of an owner.  But I got some nice pictures for you!

Look at me...I am happy.... happy.... tired... really, really tired....

..did you say we were going?


Here are a few pictures of local colour for you.

My artistic attempt.

Bardstown Mill

A little history lesson...

... history lesson continued. Nite y'all!

1 comment:

  1. 56 minutes?? Bardsville not a dog-loving town, huh?
