Tuesday, April 12, 2011

The sun does come out....

After raining for 24 hours, the sun has finally come out.  However, not before it flooded a lot of areas around Springfield.  About two hours after I arrived to work someone told me the road I take in from Bardstown was shut down for flooding waters.  The area they call The Burg had flooded.  I guess this is pretty common in that spot.  I wish I could have stopped to take pictures.  Houses were flooded, cattle were up to their chests in water and bridges were washed out.  Luckily it had receded when it was time to come home.

I also just found a tick burrowing into Bubba's hind leg.  Those buggers can really latch on and now I am really grossed out.  Washing and laundering everything in sight. Grrr....suddenly everything itches!!!..... I wonder why the cat is scratching...must investigate. Here kitty, kitty....

1 comment:

  1. ew ew and ewwwwwwwwwwww!!
    see??...this is why i don't have pets. although i might have traded Emma for one if you'd asked me a couple of hours ago...
