Wednesday, June 1, 2011

The Brownie's come to Bardstown. Part III.

It is Saturday now and we are getting fueled up on our caffeine, amusing the creatures and getting ready to check out Bardstown.

This is a replica of a steamboat that was invented by John Fitch, a resident of  Bardstown. It sits in the town square.  You see our model Joanne above, looking ahead for land.

Here in this photo our model Joanne is indeed showing that she has actually located land. 
Bubba taking one of his many rests on our walk. Who's handsome?

After our walk we headed to Elizabethtown to hit up the local Target.  A request I will most certainly do my best to grant.  After Joanne and I searched the store thoroughly, it was Ian who probably made the biggest purchases! Who doesn't love Target! Once our damage in Target was complete were were famished and headed out for food.  In keeping with the "American" theme, I took them to Bob Evan's!  If you didn't know this, Bob Evans now has cappuccino's.  Joanne and I were excited and decided to try them....our excited waned quickly and I don't think either one of us would recommend having one of those.  Our food was good though and I believe two Canadians enjoyed another American meal!

We went home after lunch, it was probably mid-afternoon.  Joanne headed for a nap and I thought that was a brilliant idea, so I did too.  We were going to go to Louisville for dinner and a movie, but that idea went down the drain after the naps.  So we went to a local tavern in search of a good steak.  I took them to BJ's Bar and Grill. (yes, you read that correctly)  Ian and I were pretty satisfied with out dinners, but Joanne didn't have the same luck.  She got her first taste of green beans cooked in bacon fat. I couldn't even see that one coming. Who does that to nice, fresh green beans?  Her baked potato with a "hint" of cheese, was more like a baked potato "draped" with cheese. At least her shrimp was good.
Brother and sister heading to dinner.

After dinner we went home to grab Bubba and head out for a walk in the direction of Baskin Robbins.  Who screams for ice cream? It is safe to say on that very warm night, BR was busy!  Ian graciously stayed inside to get the cones while Joanne and I switched it out holding on to the Bubs. It was a great treat and a good way to end an awesome weekend with my family.

Sunday we headed to the airport....after a slight detour. My bad.  You see on the way to pick them up I took the wrong exit.  For some reason I got it in my head that there were two airport exits....apparently a wee little prank that my mind played on me.  So I blew by the real exit to the airport when driving to drop them off.  Doubling back only took about 5-10mins and there was no worry of being late for anything. But, in the span of three days I forgot how to get out of the airport to my car and I forgot which exit to take to the airport.  Should I be worried?

My loosening grip on reality aside, I am very happy to have had my brother and sister-in-law visit.  It was an awesome visit. Thanks Ian and Joanne.  You can come back!!  Bubba says it is ok.

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