Sunday, August 14, 2011

Another Kentucky First for Me!!

I can now check off tasting homemade "Kentucky Moonshine" off my list of things to try during my stay here!  Well okay it really wasn't on my list, but it is not everyday you can say that.  Don't worry I didn't have much. I only had a couple of sips and that was all I could handle.  The smell of alcohol was enough warning of what could happen if I drank too much.  (Someone asked if I was wearing a belt, because this drink is known for ripping your pants right off!)  Ahhh....classy.  The moonshine was called Apple Pie.  It actually did taste quite a bit like apple pie......with a slight fire-y after burn as it goes down. 

I was able to taste this Kentucky Cocktail at a friend's barbecue last night.  I find it interesting the questions I get when people find out I am from Canada.  They usually always want to know how cold it is "up there" right now.  They also want to know why I don't sound "Canadian". (Apparently I don't say, "eh" enough) A woman last night thought I should also have a french accent.  At least she knew there was a french connection involved in Canada!  I usually get asked if I like Hockey. Then they start ragging on the Leafs and the conversation goes in another direction.  My favourite was when someone asked me why we were a separate country, since we seem so much like them.  I told him we were okay with being separate!

I was going to go to the Da Vinci exhibition today, but my nagging headache is excuse enough for me to put it off for another day.  Yesterday I went to Louisville to get some dog food for Bubba, hit my Target and checked out my favourite bookstore.  I love that place!!  It started out a lovely day, with great weather and then around 6pm we had a terrific storm!  When I left for the barbecue it was still coming down, but not nearly as bad.  However, it was strong enough beforehand to take out some brick on the house and take down some trees.  There was need to make a few detours around trees and huge tree limbs littering the streets.

Well good news, the headache is waning...(thank goodness) and I will be spending the day with The he sleeps.  I really need to find an area where he could just get out and run. Despite walking up 3 flights of stairs 4 times a day, he is getting a wee bit chubby.  I checked out dog parks in Louisville, but you have to pay an annual fee to go to them!!  There will also be cleaning on the schedule for the day and some groceries.  Woohoo....look at me go.

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