Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Hump Day!!

Ah.... the week is half over. It is lunch time on Wednesday here in Springfield, KY.  I am enjoying a lovely salad from Wendy's for lunch.  I am a little addicted to this salad.  I think I eat it twice a week.  But can you blame me....look at this tasty concoction.  Pecans, apples, chicken, blue cheese topped with a nice pomegranate vinaigrette.  Quite delicious! photographs so nicely too.
It is so nice outside today.  There is a breeze and I think the temperature is around 84 degrees.  I almost have to put a sweater on. 

The week has been quiet.  Yesterday the power went out in all of Bardstown.  I got up at 6:00am to shower when it got very dark all of a sudden.  I had just flipped a light on, so I was praying I didn't blow a fuse and have to hike it outside to the cellar to flip it back on.  But looking out the window I could see no one else around me had any lights on either.  So I went to lay down in bed for them to come on or for daylight to appear, which ever was to happen first.  However, I promptly fell asleep and woke up again at 8:00....oops.  Luckily the power was still out for me at that time.  I was hoping out for the rest of the day, but eventually I had power and no more excuses not to get to work.  It ended up being a long day anyway.....had to stay late to do inventory.  Oh joy.


  1. Is that your blue paperclip in the picture? If not do you know who owns it?


  2. LMAO! yup - that's my BIL :-)
