Thursday, July 28, 2011

Fried Pickles!

Well last night I finally had them  Deep Fried Pickles.  For some reason every time I have tried to order this most..."interesting appetizer"...they have been out.  But last night at Mammy's Kitchen in Downtown Bardstown I was finally able to order them.  I was having dinner with a co-worker from Woodbridge who is down for the week helping us out in Springfield and I forced him to enjoy the pickles with me.  I was expecting for that whole pickle to be deep fried and it never dawned on me that you could actually sliced them and that would probably make more sense.  I also forced Guy to be my Vanna White for these pictures.

I couldn't tell you what the dip is...cheesy...kinda thousand island sort of concoction...

This is Guy, just about to enjoy his first ever deep fried dill pickle!!!

This isn't the best shot, but I knew you would want to see these babies up close.

My conclusion on the fried pickles is mediocre!  You didn't get a lot of the dill pickle flavour and I felt like I was eating a really greasy dill pickle flavoured chip.  They were a bigger hit with Guy!  I can't say I wouldn't want to try them again at a different establishment.....but I can say that I can get through the rest of my life not having them again. 

Sorry I haven't been blogging much lately.  It has been too long since my last update.  However, the last two weeks have not been very eventful. The heat makes you want to stay home in the air conditioning! Especially when you spend your day enduring the heat while you are at work. (That is all for whining about the heat.)  I am looking forward to this weekend though because I have made it a long one. I have tomorrow off.  I completely forgot that it is the civic holiday on Monday.  I am going to try to convince Amir that we should have it off too.  
So I think I am going to go to the zoo this weekend.  YOU GET TO FEED GIRAFFES!!! How cool is that?  I have also signed up for this painting class in Louisville for Sunday.  It is called Sip and Strokes.  You get to drink wine or your preferred cocktail and they teach you to paint a specific painting. How perfect is that??!!  Two things I enjoy doing.  Painting and drinking wine!  It never occurred to me to put them together.  One might really help the other.....or help you to really appreciate the other.  I will let you know how it goes.

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