Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Just a couple more photos of Mike and Becky's visit!

Becky sent me a couple of pictures she had taken of their visit.  This one is of Mike after his long drive.  They were so anxious to see me that they woke up at 4:30a.m. and couldn't get back to sleep. So they thought they should get on the road and get here as soon as possible.  Who can blame them really!! This is also further proof that "The Bubba" had no issues when they arrived.  He seemed to recognize them and didn't play strange at all.  I mean he doesn't just nap with anyone!! (TC even got in on the action....or lack of action)

Enjoying the company, view and $9.00 drinks at Joe's Crabshack in downtown Louisville!  The drinks were great...can't exactly remember what they were called.  (they were that good)  You even get to keep the glasses!

This is what Mike ordered for dinner!  The pots of steamed crap legs are what they are famous for.  It is a lot of food! much to do and eat in Louisville, how could you not rush down to visit??

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