Saturday, July 30, 2011

The Louisville Zoo!

Despite the cloudy sky, the forecast of rain and the couch calling my name, I decided I would go to the zoo!  Who doesn't like a nice long walk in 90 degree heat around smelly animals!!  That is my idea of a good time.  I unfortunately took a wrong turn getting to the zoo and that made me late for feeding the giraffes. The next feeding wasn't until 2:30.  I didn't last at the zoo that long so I will have to go back to feed them!  But I have pictures....lots of pictures.  I won't show you all 74...just the highlights.

How cute is this baby?  Pretty sure it wanted to come home with me.

The ladies having a snack.

I don't really think she meant to stick her tongue out at me....I think that she was just mid-chew.

There was something about these two that reminded me of Bubba.

Elephant hot!

This camel looked most comfortable in this water.

Pretty kitty!  TC looks like this when he sleeps too.  Sometimes he even crosses his paws.

I just loved how this Meercat was sitting....peeved it wouldn't look at me though when I wanted to take it's picture.

I think this was on purpose!

Pretty Kitty 2!

I wanted to be swimming with this guy.

Saddest bald eagle EVER!  Just not right for a national symbol.

Cute couple.

The monkey on the left was just minding it's own business...trying to have a quiet moment when the annoying monkey on the right swung over and started pestering it!  Climbing all over it and putting it in a headlock.  I couldn't really put my finger on it...but there was something about that monkey on the right that reminded me of my brother and our childhood.....hmmm.....

I have had bad hair days like this!

Who doesn't like a penguin!

That was my abbreviated trip to the zoo.  After my visit I went to Panera Bread for lunch, Target for a few essentials and then Starbucks for my ride home.  Ahhhhh....good day.

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