Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Decorations up for Christmas.

I couldn't really let Christmas go by without putting up some kind of decorations in the apartment. Especially since I will have visitors here over the holidays.  My objective however, was not to go crazy and spend a lot of money on more crap I would have to haul back home.  So I thought I would be crafty and make my Christmas tree. Armed with money saving coupons I headed to Michael's to see what damage I could do for very little dough.  I started off ok...but over the last couple of weeks there has been several more trips for supplies, so I am not sure I saved in the long run.  But it kept me amused for a few nights and I like the outcome.  Who knows? I may have started a new trend in alternative Christmas trees.

My Door!

These are from some left over Christmas decorations that I didn't use on my tree.  I strung them together myself!

Notice the sparkly shoe?  I couldn't say no when I saw them....I seem to have that problem with a lot of shoes.....

"Ta-da"!  My tree. It is about as big as me if you stretch it out full size. I have a hanger on the inside at the top to help keep it up.  It is attached to a hook on the wall behind the star!  A little hodge podge, but affective. I cut out about half of the decorations and stumbled across the other half at Michael's!  I hope my brother doesn't get excited and see the wrapped boxes and think that they are for him.  Just some left over empty shoe boxes!  You can even buy these scent sticks so you have the smell of a freshly cut pine tree. I love that smell.


  1. It's soooo cute! You are so talented Jules. Have a very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. See you when you get back to Chatham. :)

  2. I LOVED this tree!!!! It rocked!!!! I think you should market this - I'm sure my dad would buy it...something that doesn't require water, doesn't drop needles, and can be put up and taken down easily (well, easily-ish).
