Saturday, December 31, 2011

Home Sweet Home!

Well we left before 11 and we were home by about 6:30.  TC talked the whole way and Bubba slept mostly.  TC was a mess when I took him out of the cage.  I guess he forgot to go to the bathroom before we left. He never listens.  I gave him a quick bath which was not met with a lot of appreciation.  He wasn't too fond of me trying to towel him off either.  He is sitting next to me as he cleans himself...his I guess he doesn't completely hate me. However I will wait to see if he decides to relieve himself in the litter box next or in on something I hold dear.  Bubba continues to sleep....I am doing my best to avoid my neighbour.  That won't last for long I am afraid. Grrrr.....people suck.

1 comment:

  1. Maybe double up TC's next dose of Zanax??? Keep me posted on said creepy neighbour. I know people. lol
